Grade-A Managed Office Spaces are gaining traction among Corporates!

By Published On: May 15th, 2024Categories: Managed Office4.9 min read
Grade-A Managed Office Space

Table of Content

Why Grade-A Managed Office Spaces are Gaining Traction Among Major Corporates and Conglomerates: A Detailed Study

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • What are Grade-A Managed Office Spaces?
  • How are Grade-A Spaces Different from Regular Office Spaces?
  • Why are Corporates and Conglomerates Considering Grade-A Office Spaces?
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs




The demand for managed office spaces is drastically rising in the corporate industry. Countries like India have seen a surge in office space requirements in the first quarter of 2024. As more office spaces are needed, businesses are seeking a well-managed office created for them. Hence, Grade-A-managed office spaces have recently gained attraction among corporates and MNCs. This is because of the various benefits that such managed spaces bring with them.

Let us understand in detail what grade-A managed office spaces are and the reasons why major corporations and conglomerates are considering them recently.


What are Grade-A Managed Office Spaces?

Grade-A office spaces are those office spaces that are made with utmost perfection, taking into consideration all the specific needs of a business. This includes functionality, design, amenities, and location. Grade-A office spaces can also be defined as the most premium working spaces among the various managed office spaces out there.

Such office spaces are built specifically for a business, catering to all its needs and requirements. The sole motive of grade-A office space is to help the company achieve maximum productivity and brand reflection through it.


How are Grade-A Spaces Different from Regular Office Spaces?

Grade-A office spaces have emerged as a solution that has landed a crushing defeat over regular office spaces. This is because of the vast differences and major advantages grade-A office spaces have over regular office spaces, such as: 

  • Quality and Condition: Aligned with modern-day needs, grade-A managed office spaces are newer and refurbished as compared to regular office spaces. Additionally, they also have a well-planned layout, unlike regular office spaces which were often created with a generic outlook.
  • Amenities: Grade-A office spaces ensure to include all the necessary amenities with them. These include parking spaces, fitness centres, conference facilities, and even restaurants. Such amenities are often lacking in regular office spaces built without considering their importance.
  • Scalable: A major difference between grade-A managed office spaces and regular office spaces is their ability to scale. Grade-A office spaces are so curated that they can upscale or downscale themselves whenever needed. However, regular office spaces often lack such flexibility making them less beneficial for modern-day corporate sectors. 

Overall, regular office spaces vary widely from grade-A-managed office spaces in terms of quality, amenities, scalability, and more. Hence, regular office spaces might not offer the same level of prestige to tenants as grade-A spaces do.


Why are Corporates and Conglomerates Considering Grade-A Office Spaces?

Grade-A office spaces contribute greatly towards the progress of any business, corporation, or conglomerate. With a bunch of immense advantages, these office spaces bring with them, corporates and conglomerates consider investing their valuable money in such office spaces.

Benefits of Grade-A Office Spaces

Here are some major benefits that grade-A office spaces bring with them:  

  • Modern Architecture & Design: Grade-A office spaces have been recently introduced in the corporate world. With a modern outlook and long-term vision, grade-A managed office spaces are built with an updated design and also adhere to international terms of construction and layout.
  • Scalability: Grade-A managed office spaces ensure that businesses get maximum productivity out of their office spaces. Hence, grade-A office spaces are built to easily maximise and minimise themselves as per the needs of the organization. This helps save a lot of unnecessary expenses for the business that can be invested in other profitable sources.
  • Employee Satisfaction: A great grade-A office space instils a feeling of pride and satisfaction among the employees of an organization. Laced with all the modern-day amenities, such office spaces give a feeling of satisfaction to the employees and make them stay loyal to the organization. Therefore, businesses can also retain unique talents and attract new ones with a grade-A office space.
  • Branding: Renting a Grade-A managed office space also helps businesses create a prestigious image in the market. Such office spaces boost a company’s profile, indirectly creating a brand for it. Thus, it helps to attract more clients, employees, and business partners to help in the overall growth of the company.



To conclude, grade-A office spaces have emerged as a significant player in the office spaces industry. They not only provide a customized solution for businesses but also ensure to build managed spaces on a low budget.

This has been the main reason why major corporations and conglomerates are willingly spending their money on grade-A-managed office spaces. Visit the BHIVE website to explore how, with long-term durability and their ability to upscale and downscale themselves, the grade-A managed office spaces are a great boon for the corporate industry. 



  1. Why is it important to have an office space?

An established office space is extremely important as it gives a business its identity.  An office space can be of great help to let customers know about your business, attract top talents, and more. Additionally, it also gives you an organized area where all the members of a team can work together and contribute to the growth of the business.

  1. What is a good space for an office?

A good office can be defined as one that has enough capacity to accommodate a bunch of employees. Along with this, it should not demand a lot of investment from the owner and upscale or downscale itself when needed.

  1. What is the difference between managed office space and coworking space?

Managed office spaces are those created specifically for a business, keeping in check its specific needs, whereas coworking spaces let workers share a particular area to contribute towards the growth of the organization.

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